The two most important things to know about me are: 1) that when I was a teenager, Jesus changed my life, and 2) that I have been profoundly changed by the experience of living in the same house with ordinary Muslims in North Africa for 15 years.
Thank you for visiting my personal website. May God’s grace, mercy and peace be with you. Please be patient as I update some parts of this website. For current information, please see the "About" page. Thank you!
You’ve probably come to this site because you want to know more about my work with Doulos Community in North Africa, or because you want to know more about my experience raising and homeschooling twins in North Africa, or because you want to know about my experience overcoming endometriosis, or because you’re looking for biographical information about me.
Doulos Community
Doulos Community is a Christian humanitarian organization working among the poor in public health, nutrition, agriculture, literacy, education, microcredit and other areas. For fifteen years (1985-1999 and 2001-2002) I had the privilege of serving with Doulos Community in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, in North Africa. For several years I served as Director of our Nutrition & Health Education Department. My husband served as Country Director for our work. I continue to serve part-time as a Team Leader Supervisor, helping to oversee the Doulos program in Mauritania, and we spend substantial time in Mauritania each year.
Our largest program in Mauritania to date has been a Maternal-Child Health (MCH) program, providing food and health education to about 30,000 malnourished children and mothers. Our programs also include literacy centers, microcredit to poor rural farmers, market gardening projects, schools for poor children, vocational training for the unemployed, and occasional emergency relief projects. Doulos Community’s website is available at
Raising and Homeschooling Twins in North Africa
To read more about my experience raising and homeschooling two delightful kids in a poor neighborhood in the capital of Mauritania, click here.
Biographical Info
If you would like a formal biographical information sheet about me, please click here. The two most important things to know about me are: 1) that when I was a teenager, Jesus changed my life, and 2) that I have been profoundly changed by the experience of living in the same house with ordinary Muslims in North Africa for 15 years. To read more about how Jesus changed my life, click here. In our life in Mauritania, my husband and I committed ourselves to living among the poor as the poor. We rented one room (then, after our children were born, two rooms) in a house with two local Muslim families, with no running water or electricity, and sharing an outdoor latrine with our neighbors. More than once, through the years, our wonderful Muslim neighbors saved our lives. As we shared in their daily struggles, and they shared in ours, we were deeply touched and changed. To see photos of our life and work in Mauritania, click here. To see my husband’s personal website, click here.